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Identity thieves...
Identity thieves...
The scum of the earth. They just come in and assume you. They tap into your resources and get all the benefits of who you are. They are spineless, sneaky and extremely smart. They are manipulative and VERY charismatic.
I live with an identity thief...
He is two feet tall. He has big blue eyes and silky soft skin. He wears diapers and thinks world news and current affairs are morning episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He is manipulative, extremely smart and very charismatic.
My identity has been stolen... By SJ...
It's not that I can't look at myself in the mirror... I just don't recognize the person looking back at me? I feel as though I have lost my place in this world. Of course I'm a mom... But what kind of mom am I? What category do I fit into?
There is "The Working Mom" - These women inspire me. I have so much respect for women that work full time AND raise families. It's like an 80 hour work week!! They go to board meetings and save lives in the ER. They get to wear fancy out-fits, cute shoes and have working lunches at Tin Roof. This is defiantly not me. I mean I work... but I wear black stretchy pants and go to yoga classes. This is not classified as manual labor.
There is "The Yummy Mommy" - The Moms that are flawless. The ones who's bodies just bounced back from pregnancy like a tennis match between Serena and Venus. The ones who are on fancy diets, whole foods and smoothies. They are well rested and snack on things like trail mix and cucumber slices. This is also not me... I ate four and a half of Kelsey's muffins yesterday. It would have been 4, but SJ didn't want to finish his...
This is how I live... I will never give up wine... or brownies...
There is "The Natural" - These are my favorite. Those moms who are just completely content with being a mom. They love pregnancy, they love babies, they love comfortable clothes and a good book. They breast feed for 18 months. They love using crock pots, crafting and episodes of the bachelor. They oooozzz confidence and don't care about make-up or fake eyelashes. They are comfortable and content. They don't get stir crazy at home and know how to truly relax. This is not me either. In case you haven't caught on... I blog because my mind goes a mile a minute and out of pure insecurity I need to feel I did something big with my day.
So who am I? Where do I fit in? What does SJ's mom do? And why do I have these days where I feel as though I'm not a real person, but a vehicle for my family?
Why do I feel as though my identity has been stolen by a 9 month old?
I think it's simple... I think there are many of us moms out there that are a little bit of everything. I think you can be every kind of mom. I think we can work, play, live, love and be loved. It's about accepting that we are no longer number one, but we are number one in our children's eyes. Our kids don't have to be our identity, but how lucky are we that they are a part of it. It's about finding balance and figuring out who we are in a whole new light. Every day we discover something new about our children, our marriages and most of all... ourselves.
Laugh, Cry, Love, Read.